NexPoint Diversified Real Estate Trust | REIT Profile

Symbol: NXDT
CIK: 1356115
Exchange: NYSE
Preferred Stock: NXDT-PA
HQ: DALLAS, TX, United States
Type of REIT: Equity REIT
Listing Status: Public
Market Capitalization: Micro-Cap
REIT Sector: Retail
Externally Managed REIT

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About NexPoint Diversified Real Estate Trust

NexPoint Diversified Real Estate Trust (“NXDT”) is an externally advised diversified real estate investment trust (“REIT”), with its shares of common stock and 5.50% Series A Cumulative Preferred Shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols NXDT and NXDT-PA, respectively. As a diversified REIT, NXDT’s primary investment objective is to provide both current income and capital appreciation. NXDT seeks to achieve this objective by investing among various commercial real estate property types and across the capital structure, including but not limited to mortgage debt, mezzanine debt and common and preferred equity. Target underlying property types primarily include but are not limited to industrial, hospitality, net lease, retail, office, storage and healthcare and, to the extent currently owned, multifamily and single-family rentals. NXDT also may, to a limited extent, hold, acquire or transact in certain non-real estate securities. NXDT is externally advised by NexPoint Real Estate Advisors X, L.P. (the “Adviser”), a subsidiary of NexPoint Advisors, L.P.

NexPoint Diversified Real Estate Trust Company Logo

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REITMovers tracks the stock price and other indicators for all US REITs tracked by REITNotes during normal trading hours. This data is updated every 4 minutes during normal trading hours. Note: All prices have a 15 minute delay.

Latest Price High Low Open Previous Close Volume Change $ Change %
$4.31 $4.33 $4.03 $4.04 $3.99 207,868 $0.32 8.02%

Last update: 2025-03-25 12:59:10 PST

Dividend of Trading Day 2025-03-25

Dividend Yield: 15%*
Annualized Dividend: $0.6*
Dividend Yield (TTM): 15%
Annualized Dividend (TTM): $0.6
Ex-Dividend Date: 2025-02-28
Dividend Date: 2025-03-31
Dividend Frequency: Quarterly

*The forward annualized dividend and dividend yield are based on the most recent dividend value paid by the REIT. The REIT may have already announced their next upcoming dividend value, which may be different from previously paid dividend value. It is recommended to check the REIT's website and dividend announcements for the latest information on upcoming dividends and changes. This graph does not include extraordinary dividend.

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Key Stats of Trading Day 2025-03-25

Market Capitalization: $180,696,000
EBITDA: $21,407,000
P/E Ratio: N/A
PEG Ratio: N/A
Book Value: 20.26
Dividend Per Share: $0.60
EPS: -1.51
Revenue Per Share TTM: $2.01
ProfitMargin: -69.90%
Operating Margin TTM: 2.60%
Return on Assets TTM: 0.53%
Return on Equity TTM: -7.30%
Revenue TTM: $78,628,000
Gross Profit TTM: $55,849,000
Diluted EPS TTM: $-1.51
Quarterly Earnings Growth YOY: N/A
Quarterly Revenue Growth YOY: 88.50%
Trailing P/E: N/A
Forward P/E: N/A
Beta: 1.10
Price to Sales Ratio TTM: 2.30
Price to Book Ratio: 0.20
EV to Revenue: N/A
Shares Outstanding: 41,924,900
52 Week High: $7.37
52 Week Low: $3.46
50 Day Moving Average: $5.01
200 Day Moving Average: $5.60

Dividend History

Below are the most recent cash dividends paid by NXDT. The percent difference from one dividend payment to the next has also been calculated for your convenience. Dividends flagged as [E] are extraordinary dividend payments.

Symbol Ex Date Cash Amount Change in Dividend Declaration Date Record Date Payment Date
NXDT 2025-02-28 0.150 --- 2025-02-18 2025-02-28 2025-03-31
NXDT 2024-11-15 0.150 --- 2024-10-29 2024-11-15 2024-12-31
NXDT 2024-08-15 0.150 --- 2024-07-31 2024-08-15 2024-09-30
NXDT 2024-05-14 0.150 --- 2024-05-02 2024-05-15 2024-06-28
NXDT 2024-02-15 0.150 --- 2024-02-05 2024-02-16 2024-03-28
NXDT 2023-11-16 0.150 --- 2023-11-07 2023-11-17 2023-12-29
NXDT 2023-08-14 0.150 --- 2023-07-27 2023-08-15 2023-09-29
NXDT 2023-06-14 0.150 --- 2023-04-26 2023-06-15 2023-06-30
NXDT 2023-03-14 0.150 --- 2023-02-23 2023-03-15 2023-03-31
NXDT 2022-12-14 0.150 200.00% 2022-10-25 2022-12-15 2022-12-30
NXDT 2022-09-16 0.050 --- 2022-09-07 2022-09-19 2022-09-30
NXDT 2022-08-23 0.050 --- 2022-08-01 2022-08-24 2022-08-31
NXDT 2022-07-21 0.050 --- 2022-07-06 2022-07-22 2022-08-01
NXDT 2022-06-22 0.050 --- 2022-06-01 2022-06-23 2022-06-30
NXDT 2022-05-23 0.050 --- 2022-05-02 2022-05-24 2022-05-31
NXDT 2022-04-21 0.050 --- 2022-04-01 2022-04-22 2022-04-29
NXDT 2022-03-23 0.050 --- 2022-03-01 2022-03-24 2022-03-31
NXDT 2022-02-17 0.050 --- 2022-02-01 2022-02-18 2022-02-28
NXDT 2022-01-21 0.050 --- 2022-01-03 2022-01-24 2022-01-31
NXDT 2021-12-22 0.050 --- 2021-12-01 2021-12-23 2021-12-31

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Last updated: 2025-03-25 - v5.8